Social Services & Health Care SVQs & PDAs

Unlock Your Potential: Explore Our Social Services & Health Care SVQs & PDAs Today!

Explore our diverse SVQ & PDA Qualifications for Social Services & Healthcare

Welcome to our qualifications page, where you can explore a comprehensive range of Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQ) & Personal Development Awards (PDA), designed to enhance your skills and career options. Whether you're looking to meet registration requirements or advance your existing career, we offer a diverse set of qualifications to meet your needs.

SVQ 2 Social Services & Healthcare SCQF Level 6

This qualification is aimed at people who work in entry-level or support positions within the social services and healthcare sector in Scotland looking to meet SSSC registration requirements.

SVQ 3 Social Services & Healthcare SCQF Level 7

This qualification is aimed at individuals who are working in more advanced or supervisory roles within the social services and healthcare sector in Scotland.

SVQ 4 Social Services & Healthcare SCQF Level 9

The SVQ 4 in Social Services and Healthcare is aimed at individuals who are working in senior or managerial roles within the social services and healthcare sector in Scotland..

SVQ 4 in Care Services Leadership & Management SCQF Level 10

The SVQ 4 in Care Services Leadership & Management is aimed at individuals who are working or aspiring to work in leadership and management roles within the care services sector in Scotland.

SVQ 3 Social Services & Healthcare (CYP) SCQF Level 7

This qualification is aimed at individuals who are working in roles that involve providing care and support to children and young people in a social services or healthcare context in Scotland.

SVQ 4 Social Services & Healthcare (CYP) SCQF Level 9

This qualification is aimed at individuals who are working in senior or managerial roles, specifically focused on the care and well-being of children and young people in Scotland

PDA Promoting Excellence in Dementia Skilled Practice SCQF level 7

This award is aimed at individuals who work in the healthcare and social care sectors, particularly those who provide care and support to individuals living with dementia.

PDA Health and Social Care: Administration of Medicine SCQF level 7

This award is aimed at individuals working in healthcare and social care settings who are responsible for administering medications to patients or clients.

PDA Health and Social Care Supervision SCQF level 7

The Professional Development Award (PDA) in Health and Social Care Supervision is aimed at individuals working in the health and social care sector who are in or aspiring to supervisory or managerial roles.

Meeting Your Training Needs

The training offered will change over different periods of the year and in relation to changes in practice, we need to keep this fresh & up to date.